Professional, Tough,
Fair, & Prepared
A federal law, the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (“STAA”), 49 U. S. C. § 31105, prohibits an employer from terminating or discriminating against an employee because the employee engaged in certain protected activities such as reporting about violations of truck safety regulations. Under this law drivers of commercial motor vehicles, including independent contractors who operate commercial motor vehicles, mechanics, freight handlers, helpers, loaders, mechanics or any other individuals who directly affect commercial motor vehicle safety in the course of their employment by a commercial motor carrier, are protected when their employers take action against the employee for complaining that employers are failing to follow truck safety standards.
An employee who complains about and/or refuses to violate commercial driver safety regulations is protected from an adverse employment decision, such as the termination of employment under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act.
Examples of protected activity under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act include reporting of federal highway standards, complaining about the truck safety violations to management and reporting another employee’s truck safety violations. Employees, who are terminated for reporting truck safety violations can file a civil action to be reinstated to their job, receive lost wages and other damages.
We represent employees who are terminated for reporting truck safety violations when their employers have violated the Surface Transportation Assistance Act. Call Abramson Employment Law at 267-470-4742 or contact us online to discuss your legal options.